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Press Highlights

Guest Shots in JH News & Guide


  • May 15, 2024 - Proposed Underground Garage Doesn't Hold Water, by Kevin Regan

    • "How will this affect the natural groundwater flow of the aquifer? How will this affect the Flat Creek ecosystem? ... With all these unanswered questions, the Town Council should deny the sketch plan... The stakes for our water quality are too high for a decision to be made without the key facts."​


  • ​December 13, 2023 - There's Common Ground to be Found on Water Issues, by Kevin Regan

    • Formalizing cooperation between different levels of government, keeping options open about wastewater treatment plants, considering additional sewer connections and strengthening wetlands protections are a few examples where a strong commitment to water quality can lead to bold action."​


  • September 6, 2023 - Wetlands Offer a Local Opportunity, by Kevin Regan

    • "The LDRs are the rules of the road of how and where development is allowed in Teton County. For example, the current rules require 30-foot setbacks from wetlands. However, there are additional opportunities for “win-wins” beyond Teton County’s existing LDRs. For example, there could be new development incentives that allow additional density for further setbacks from key wetland habitats."​


  • June 7, 2023 - It's Time to Step Up to Protect Fish Creek, by Kevin Regan

    • "This is a challenging time for water quality in Teton County, but also one ripe with opportunity. A recent specific purpose excise tax measure providing $10 million to fund water quality projects in Teton County received more votes than any other ballot measure. Teton County’s voice was loud and clear — residents want clean water."​




  • May 22, 2024 - Attorney Regan Enters Race for Town Council (profile by Rebecca Huntington, JHNG)

    • "Regan points to his experience as an attorney, business co-founder, renter, START bus rider and environmental advocate as preparing him to represent town residents as they wrestle with tough decisions"

    • "He watched oak forests fall to strip malls and clear streams turn green, he said, which started him down a path to environmental law... If elected, Regan said he wants to help revise town land development regulations and address housing concerns."​




  • May 14, 2024 - Community Members Oppose Plans for a Block-sized Hotel on N. Cache Street (JHNG)

    • "Protect Our Water Law and Policy Advisor Kevin Regan also said that the Sketch Plan fails to consider its impact on the Town’s hydrology. 'Mogul is proposing to build a parking garage that 20 feet deep, but the ground water in this area is between two and eight feet deep, so the garage will be located right in the aquifer,' Regan said to the Town Council. 'There’s a chance that the building will require permanent de-watering…more than four million gallons of water will need to be pumped out per day. This pumping will draw out ground water from all directions, including the site that used to be Texaco that had problems with benzene and hydrocarbon contamination.'"​





  • August 31, 2023 - POWJH is Turning the Tide on Septic Pollution in Fish Creek (Buckrail)

    • "'The science shows that this septic system will introduce pollutants into the Fish Creek watershed, which is not allowed under the law,' [POWJH Law and Policy Advisor Kevin] Regan explained. 'It is not too late to get it right,' he added, 'but to protect and restore Fish Creek, we must start doing things differently.'"​





  • July 15, 2023 - State Gives Basecamp Go-ahead to Build Controversial Septic System (JHNG)

    • "'Fish Creek is already impaired for E. coli, and DEQ has indicated it is also considering listing Fish Creek as impaired for nutrients,' Kevin Regan said in a statement. Regan is Protect Our Water Jackson Hole’s law and policy adviser. 'This permit decision only makes things worse for a waterbody that is suffering a death of a thousand cuts.'"​


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