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About Me

A Balanced Voice for Jackson


What I bring to the table.

I'm an environmental attorney with experience in the government, private, and nonprofit sectors. In government, I clerked for a federal judge and was an attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. In the private sector, I have represented companies large and small, and I co-founded a business (Bamert Regan, an intellectual-property law firm). In the nonprofit sector, I was an attorney at Earthjustice and Law and Policy Advisor with Protect Our Water Jackson Hole, working to protect and restore water quality in Teton County. 


Local politics is a passion of mine. I worked on the ground with local elections in Jackson Hole in 2020 and 2022. I am a regular at Town and County public meetings, and I was honored to be appointed to the START Board this year.


Jackson needs leadership that respects and works to improve the symbiotic relationship between Town and County. We must improve coordination between Town, County, and other partners, including finding new funding opportunities for joint projects. 


I show up, work hard, and listen to other perspectives. I can help build bridges and get things done.

What I bring to the table.

I will bring my full presence, talents, and best efforts to all the challenges that the Town Council faces.


There are three areas where I am uniquely qualified to make a difference:




We need to thread the needle between business, housing, and the environment. I have extensive experience with environmental and land use law and have advocated at the Town, County, Wyoming, and federal levels. I saw what happened in my hometown of Gainesville, Florida when strip malls and box stores replaced oak forests and prairies, and clear streams turned green. The sense of loss I felt inspired me to become an environmental scientist and later an environmental attorney.

  • Explore long-term sewer capacity solutions between Town and County

  • Investigate effects of underground garages on the aquifer 




In order to preserve and build a solid community, the people who work here need to be able to live here. When I first returned to Town full-time, I lived at the Ranch Inn before I could get an apartment. I am a renter and my rent was already sky high, but it went up 10% this year.

  • Create more Affordable housing (with a capital "A"), not just Workforce

  • Revise Town Land Development Regulations

  • Have a community conversation and decide how to cap maximum square footage

  • Revisit the 2:1 Density Bonus Tool (i.e. 2 Market Square Feet: 1 Deed Restricted Square Foot)




We all need to get around. Let’s find ways to make it more efficient for everyone, whether you are driving your car, using START, riding your bike, or walking. I regularly use START and I was appointed as a member of the START Board.

  • Increase bus and START On Demand efficiency

  • Continue to work towards permanent Airport service

  • Mend fences between START and Teton Village Association

  • Support Safe Streets for All Grant and focus on pedestrian experience in the downtown area 



These are a few of my ideas. I am eager to hear yours! Please reach out at or at any event around town.

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